Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm just floored this morning!

Still pretty hot even in the early morning here.  Today, I got up at 7am, and was ready to go out in the back yard as soon as it was light enough to work (about 8am).  Quickly nailed up some 2x4s along the inside of one wall of the shed... they will become part of the shelves along that wall.  Didn't want to mess with the remaining boards or plywood, since they were going to take time to cut to size.

Next, swept the floor in the shed.  You would be surprised at how much crud had been tramped in in the two or three weeks since I put the roof on the structure.  Well, its all cleaned now.  This allowed me to mix up a sack of mortar and refinish some of the rough spots on the concrete slab.  I have to go out now in a few minutes and hit it with a trowel again, since it was pretty sloppy when I first put it down.

Plans for today include (finally) finishing the masking of the guest bathroom so we can paint it tomorrow.  Also thinking about doing some trimming on the hedges in front of the house.

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