Thursday, August 25, 2011

Not much progress on the home front...

(8/25/11) OK, blame hurricane Irene.  There was a certain concern, as of a couple of days ago, that the hurricane would be hitting Raleigh dead center.  It's since veered more easterly, and while we will be getting a good soaking, it is unlikely that we'll see enough wind to do any damage.

The thing is, I've spent the last little bit of time focused on battening down the hatches, to use a weatherly expression.  Thinking in terms of being able to park the truck in the garage (which it hasn't seen in months), I spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning the garage, taking everything remotely identifiable as "yard and garden" like out to the new shed.  Also swept up the dust and scrap lumber. This freed up enough room to rearrange the remaining tools and stuff so that both vehicles can fit.  Just in case.  Since I had planned this reorganization for the next week or two anyway, it wasn't that much of a hit to the overall plan.

Other than that, about the only thing that we've accomplished in the last couple of days is moving furniture and masking in the living room.  Tonight I expect to pain the remaining walls.  The remainder of the patio will have to wait until after the hurricane passes.

Addendum (8/26/11):  Last night, I did manage to paint the remaining living room walls.  This afternoon I'll look it over and see if it needs a second coat.  Either way, we should be wrapping up painting once and for all in the next few days.

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